I'm So Blessed
I apologise for not writing recently.
Life's been the usual... work has been 'streesful' as we go for the final league in meeting clients and getting them to sign up ads in my company's publications; we've also been planning big time for our postgrad fair next year. I've been continuing with the room decorating but it's coming along slow as I don't have much time leftover after work or during weekends.
What's been significant is the metta (loving-kindness) discussion group that I've started attending under Bro Hor Tuck Loon's tutelage. It's related to the vipassana (insight) meditation group that I attended under him but it's a different concept altogether.
In this group, we learn about love. How to love ourself, how to love others close to us, how to love our enemies, how to love people we don't know and how to love all beings.
Did you know that we have to love ourself first before we can love others? I've discovered that I don't love myself enough as I don't feel that I'm good enough. And because of that, I often reject love that's coming from others. Not just from men or guys, but from my parents, good friends and teachers.
It's a challenge to love myself, warts and all. But this is the first step towards unconditional love - loving someone (or ourself) without any conditions attached, to love whole-ly and completely.
I hope to be able to experience and practise unconditional love in my heart one day.
Life's been the usual... work has been 'streesful' as we go for the final league in meeting clients and getting them to sign up ads in my company's publications; we've also been planning big time for our postgrad fair next year. I've been continuing with the room decorating but it's coming along slow as I don't have much time leftover after work or during weekends.
What's been significant is the metta (loving-kindness) discussion group that I've started attending under Bro Hor Tuck Loon's tutelage. It's related to the vipassana (insight) meditation group that I attended under him but it's a different concept altogether.
In this group, we learn about love. How to love ourself, how to love others close to us, how to love our enemies, how to love people we don't know and how to love all beings.
Did you know that we have to love ourself first before we can love others? I've discovered that I don't love myself enough as I don't feel that I'm good enough. And because of that, I often reject love that's coming from others. Not just from men or guys, but from my parents, good friends and teachers.
It's a challenge to love myself, warts and all. But this is the first step towards unconditional love - loving someone (or ourself) without any conditions attached, to love whole-ly and completely.
I hope to be able to experience and practise unconditional love in my heart one day.
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