Palm Tungsten T
A friend offered to sell me a Palm Tungsten T at RM400. According to her, the original owner bought it 13 months ago and took care of it extremely well. She also bought many original software to use with it. The good thing is, this is a friend I can trust, so I know her word is true.
Unfortunately, I am a handheld-virgin, so I kinda need some advice on whether I should buy it or not. Some factors to consider:
Unfortunately, I am a handheld-virgin, so I kinda need some advice on whether I should buy it or not. Some factors to consider:
- I have never owned a tech gadget worth more than RM1,500, and I'm not sure if clumsy-me will drop it, spoil it, crash it, or corrupt it.
- I've wanted a high-end handheld organiser for years, but never did save up enough to get one. RM400 is just nicely within my budget, as I thought of getting a low-end handheld at about RM600-800.
- I've heard and read bad reviews about Tungsten T's screen, that it needs to be recalibrated frequently.
- Tungsten T is a model that was release in 2002 so there are newer and better models in the market.
Well.... if anyone out there could give me some advice about this, I would really appreciate it! Please leave me some comments. Thanks!
I'm no geek, but here's my comment:
Palm Tungsten is definitely a class above Palm Zire (comparing between the Palm range of products). I would think that it is a good buy if the specifications are what you are looking for.
Here's a pretty handy site for your reference prior to investing any $$ into this gadget: Palm Handheld Comparison Chart
Hope this helps baby!
weeleng, at 4:52 PM
Another comment:
I'm currently a Palm user too, have been using the same Palm m505 for 3 years now! To me, PDAs are not handy. In fact I hardly use them: All I need is the Palm Desktop software, installed on my laptop. With that, I'm an organized person...Without it, I'm like without my brain...haha!
Anyway, since you are always on the go, it's a really really essential tool and a really really good buy (RM400). List price is USD359!! Go get it girl!
p/s: make sure it's really in a good condition as claimed. you dun wanna be hassled by the post sales issues. it's probably out of warranty (13 months old).
weeleng, at 5:03 PM
Haha! Thanks for the advice Wee Leng. Decided to get it and been using it for a week.... No problems so far! *cross-my-fingers*
Ai Jou Chuah, at 4:05 AM
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